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mohammed4248asif@gmail.comUpdated at: 10 May 2023
Cardiac ailments are a growing concern
nowadays. With age, the risk of developing heart-related issues increases.
Patients with heart problems can trust their health with a remarkable medical
device. This is known as an Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator
(AICD). This small powerhouse is surgically placed under your skin and
connected directly to the heart via thin wires. With its battery-powered
capabilities, it monitors irregular rhythms threatening life, instantly
delivering electric shocks when necessary and restoring a normal heartbeat. If
you are looking for one of the best destinations to get an AICD implantation in
India, then Hyderabad is worth considering. Here, you will find details about
AICDs and all you should know about implanting them in Hyderabad.
The automatic implantable cardioverter
defibrillator (AICD) is designed to keep the patients heartbeat steady. It is
placed beneath the skin on the chest wall. This small device consists of a
battery about the size of a stopwatch and thin wires called leads that are
connected directly to each chamber in your heart. By constantly monitoring
rhythm and rate, it can act quickly if an arrhythmia occurs by delivering
precision electric shocks via its attached leads.
AICDs are amazing cardiac therapy devices that provide life-saving relief to many individuals.
There are two types of these devices. The
traditional implant requires surgery to install directly in the chest and light
up your heart with leads. You can choose a subcutaneous option. That is larger
but no need for invasive measures. It is placed at the side below your armpit
and connected by an electrode running along your breastbone. Both alternatives
offer peace of mind knowing they will be there should you ever require them.
Your doctor has recommended an AICD system to protect you from potentially deadly heart arrhythmias. It can help to prevent episodes of Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation, abnormal rhythms that have resulted in the loss of consciousness. Also, it protects you from recurring fast heartbeats that cannot be controlled with surgery or medication. With the AICD implant, you will experience fewer risks associated with medications while having peace of mind knowing your life is secure.
Before having an AICD implanted, your doctor will perform assessments to ensure it is safe and necessary. These are:
One of these tests may be electrocardiography
(ECG/EKG), which involves placing electrodes on the patients chest for a quick
electricity reading that measures heart rate fluctuations.
An echocardiogram can show how blood flows
through the beating organ to determine size and structure.
With a Holter monitor, you can gain valuable
insight into the hearts rhythm. It is an invaluable tool that may catch
irregularities in your heartbeat unnoticed by traditional ECG tests. You simply
wear this small device connected to sensors on the chest. Like any other piece
of clothing for 1 to 2 days, while keeping track of activities and symptoms
throughout the day, healthcare providers can cross reference information and
determine what might have caused physical distress or discomfort along with
accurate electrical readings.
Suppose you have gone through a Holter monitor
and do not appear to have any irregular heart rhythms. Then your doctor might
suggest an alternative: the event recorder. This device is equipped with one
key difference - when symptoms arise, it is up to you to press the button that
activates recording. With several types of recorders available today, this
innovative technology ensures physicians can better look into long-term cardiac
health trends in their patients!
An EP study allows a healthcare provider to explore the hearts inner workings. The procedure involves inserting catheters into blood vessels, using their sensors to detect electrical signals from within and identify any areas causing an irregular heartbeat. By gaining insight into this complex organ, physicians can better understand how to treat its ailments.
An AICD can be programmed to help with several types of abnormal heart rhythms. Depending on the issue, you may experience a painless fluttering in your chest when the device responds. It could deliver an intense shock that feels like being kicked in the chest. Fortunately, typically only one such shock is needed to restore a normal beat, and many people never require more than two within 24 hours!
It is important to take precautions with electrical signals and AICDs. For example, many people do not think twice about talking on their cell phone next to an implanted device, but this can be dangerous if the AICD misinterprets the signal as a heart rhythm.
Show your card that states you have an implant when going through airport security. Certain hand-held detectors may interfere with its functionality given enough time.
In addition, inform healthcare providers of
any medical procedures you need so they can suggest alternatives if necessary.
Finally, keep magnets at least 6 inches away
from your implants location for safety. Also, headphones or wireless chargers
are no exception either.
AICD implantation has proved to be a very effective remedy
for many heart patients. It is so simple, capable, and safe that it can be done
without surgery. Patients needing AICD Implantation in Hyderabad have the best
options with Drmdasif. This renowned medical establishment stands out for its
excellent healthcare services, cutting-edge technologies, and advanced medical
equipment. With its dedicated team of highly skilled professionals, one can
rest assured of top-quality cardiac care with professional guidance. Visit
Drmdasif today or call us at +91 9533620200 to know more about AICD
implantation and any other services we offer.
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